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About the Assessments > Strong Interest Inventory®

Strong Interest Inventory® Specific Competency Focused (Online)

Tuition: $450

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Strong Interest Inventory® Masterclass (Online with Mentoring)

Tuition: $800

Learn More Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory® Tool

The Strong Interest Inventory® can assist individuals in alignment of interests and skills, career renewal and re-decision, and career development. The assessment can assist professionals and their clients: in sorting of careers, checking out options; clarifying career expectations, identifying career pathways, including educational requirements; evaluating sources of dissatisfaction, reviewing lessons learned from current career situation, identifying and confirming initial alignment of interest and skills, setting new goals for career renewal or change; intentionally seeking new career experiences, and evaluating personal issues of balance, achievement, status, and financial goals.

The Strong Interest Inventory

Seen as the first true measurement of career interests, the Strong provides a report on degrees of similarity with individuals in Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising, and Conventional careers. The report covers six career themes, 25 basic interests, 122 occupations, and five personal style scales.

Strong® Summary Sheet

Our Strong Interest Inventory Assessment Programs

Strong Interest Inventory Specific Competency Focused Program

Strong Interest Inventory Online (with mentoring) Masterclass Program

Effective January 23, 2010: CPP, Inc. changed the eligibility requirements for the MBTI ®, CPI 260 ®, Strong Interest Inventory ®, and FIRO-B ®,  as described below.

Please note that all customers previously qualified on these assessments will still be considered eligible to purchase.

Per CPP, Inc., the new eligibility/certification requirements are as follows:

Eligibility:  Eligibility defines someone’s ability to license restricted material.  Someone may be educationally eligible and/ or certified on a specific product; i.e., CPP, Inc. will say that a customer is “eligible” or “certified.”  The term “qualified” will no longer be used to signify eligibility.

Educationally Eligible: Individual has a Masters Degree or a PhD in psychology or a related field; and/or holds state licensure or national or state certification in certain fields. 

Certification: Anyone who was qualified under previous programs is now considered certified. 

While will no longer offer qualifying/certifying programs on these CPP products, interested users may still purchase our online programs for professional development and expert knowledge on the use and application of a CPP product.